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The Campus Ministry:- Where young lives are changed and spiritual leaders are born.

Monday 23 March 2009


Dear Campus,

Just read a note made by an Indonesian sister, Wulan, who is a diplomat in Frankfurt. She represented the Indonesian Embassy there n has been living in lots of countries before. She is also a strong disciple and her aunt just got baptisted in Indonesia. Think it's just interesting to see a part of her life journey to learn that our situation now is not so bad compared to the old days, and when we fight we'll get through. (provide the original text for the Indonesians :P).

Berapa dari kita, karena situasi dan realita hidup yang menekan kemudian menjadikan kita orang yang sarkastik, pesimis, penuh kemarahan, penyesalan, sakit hati, dan akhirnya menjadi kehilangan harapan? Dan itulah yang terjadi ketika jiwa kehilangan harapan. Itulah kematian jiwa sebenarnya yang menjadikan hidup kita secara fisik juga semakin menderita.

Today, I am reminded of how important to keep on hoping, despite of circumstances looks like or seems to be.

Kadang aku mendengar beberapa teman membanggakan siapa teman-teman mereka waktu sekolah atau darimana mereka sekolah atau keluarga mereka siapa….. Aku? Ketika aku pulang ke Solo beberapa tahun lalu setelah cukup lama merantau di jakarta, ibuku dengan bangga bercerita telah bertemu teman SDku yang bernama Sukinem, di pasar induk, sedang berjualan tempeh dan beranak tiga. Ehemm… Sekarang itu menjawab bukan, kenapa tak satupun teman SD dan SMPku di Solo dapat kutemukan di Facebook. Mungkin seperti Sukinem, teman-temanku entah hidup sebagai buruh di pasar, atau jualan martabak di Pasar jongke, jangankan berharap ber facebook.

Aku masih ingat masa-masa remajaku dengan keadaan ekonomi yang sulit dna menekan. Kalau dikalkulasi dengan realita sekelilingku, aku seharusnya tidak berada dalam posisiku sekarang ini.
Lalu apa yang membuat keadaanku dan Sukinem berbeda? Harapan.

Ayahku memiliki kelebihan dalam menanamkan Harapan ke masing-masing dari anaknya dengan caranya sendiri. Aku ingat ayahku ingin setiap anaknya bisa berbahasa inggris. Padahal ayahku, yang sekolah SDpun tidak lulus tapi hobi nonton film-film barat Ketika ia tidak mampu membeli kamus bahasa Inggris, karena tak berpenghasilan (ayahku menganggur sejak bangkrut toko bukunya di Widuran sewaktu banjir besar terjadi di solo pada tahun 60an), maka ia mengambil kamus dari perpustakaan kotamadya dan mencatat semua kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris untuk dilatih menghapalkan ke delapan anak2nya...setiap hari, agar tidak berakhir seperti dia.

Harapan pula yang menyebabkan --- walaupun kondisi sekelilingku menyuruhku untuk berhenti berpengharapan ---- setelah kuliah S1ku kelar aku berupaya meminta rekomendasi untuk dapat mengambil kuliah lagi sastra atau untuk aplikasi beasiswa S2 di Jakarta atau di Inggris, tetapi ditolak mentah-mentah oleh salah satu dosenku di FKIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Aku ingat cemoohannya, bahwa aku seharusnya melihat realita dan tidak banyak bermimpi. Salah satu temanku SDpun yang aku ajak curhat, malahan juga mencemooh dan mengatakan bahwa aku tidak usah berharap terlalu tinggi sebagai perempuan, dan mengingatkan aku untuk tetap tinggal di Solo, dan mengajar di salah satu sekolah SMA atau SMP saja. Itu lebih realistis dengan keadaan ekonomi keluargaku, daripada bermimpi untuk sekolah lagi.

Cemoohan itu memang menyakitkan dan datang silih berganti, tetapi tidak membuat harapan yang ada dalam hatiku lumpuh. Aku terus maju, bersama harapan yang aku miliki, mencari dosen lain yang mau memberikan rekomendasi untuk kuliahku dan terus mencoba mengirim aplikasi beasiswa S2 yang diumumkan di koran termasuk ke Leeds University, Inggris dan juga aplikasi kuliah S2 di Universitas Jakarta. Keduanya memang aku tidak berhasil diterima, tetapi, akhirnya aku memperoleh pekerjaan dan beasiswa kuliah S2 di Universitas Indonesia dan selesai pada tahun 2001.
Kenapa aku ceritakan ini? Realita sekeliling kita kadang-kadang tidak selalu mendukung harapan kita. Dalam sharingku diatas, aku memiliki keinginan baik untuk sekolah lagi, tetapi belum tentu sekelilingku menyetujuinya, bahkan memberi restupun tidak , yang ibaratnya gratis. What is the loss anyway? Apakah upaya-upaya yang kulakukan langsung berhasil? Tidak juga. 

Bagi banyak orang, apabila kegagalan, dan kegagalan terus yang didapatkan, sangat mudah tergoda untuk menyerah, kapok dan berhenti. Dan kegagalan-kegagalan itu mungkin terjadi dalam studi, karir, hubungan, kerohanian dst,. Menyerah adalah pilihan yang mudah dan banyak dipilih orang.
Namun, aku memilih tidak menyerah sebagai jawabannya. Walaupun harga yang dibayar tidak murah dan tidak gampang. Perlu kemauan dan tekad untuk merubah diri juga agar sesuai harapan. Harapan membuat hidup menjadi hidup karena tidak menyerah pada realita.

Aku terinspirasi beberapa pengalaman orang-orang yang terus berpengharapan dan termuat dalam Alkitab;
1. Paulus dan Silas berdoa dan menyanyikan pujian pada Allah di dalam penjara, dengan kaki dibelenggu. Keadaan yang menyakitkan, sulit diterima pikiran untuk tetap bersukacita, kecuali mereka memiliki harapan pada Allah. (Kisah para Rasul 16: 25)
2. Daniel dan 2 temannya (Sadrach, Mesakh dan Abednego) dibakar dalam tungku pemanas oleh Raja Nebukadnezzar sebagai hukuman karena percaya pada Allah dan tidak menyembah dewa, tetapi tetap terus percaya dan berpengharapan pada Allah (Daniel 3: 14-18)
3. Jusuf yang dibuang dan dijual saudara-saudaranya sebagai budak, dikhianati, dilupakan, dianggap mati oleh ayahnya dan dipenjara, tetapi tetap setia dnengan baik dalam pekerjaan-pekerjaannya selama masa penjara itu karena pengharapan pada Allah ( Kejadian 37-41)

My point is harapan itu penting dan harus tetap ada dalam setiap jiwa, karena hidup tanpa harapan, adalah kematian. Mungkin saat ini, kita terjebak dalam keadaan seperti orang lumpuh di tepi kolam Bethesda, tetapi attitude jiwa kita jangan pernah lumpuh…karena bila waktunya tiba, harapan itu menjadi kenyataan…Keep hopeful..and have a cheerful heart. Have a Great Sunday….

Renunganku , Frankfurt, 22 April 2009

How many of us, because of depressing life situations and realities, becoming a sarcastic, pesimistic, full of anger, regret, heart ache ,and finally lose hope? That is what happened when our soul lose hope. That is the real death of soul that makes our lives suffer more.

Today, I am reminded of how important to keep on hoping, despite of circumstances looks like or seems to be.

Sometimes I hear how some of my friends boast about who their schoolmates were or where they went to school or who are their relatives. Me...? When I went back to Solo (a city in Central Java, Indonesia) a few years back after I stayed so long in Jakarta, my mom proudly said that she met my primary school friend Sukinem, in the traditional market, selling tempe (soya bean product like tofu) and have 3 kids. Well... that answers why, none of my primary or sec school friends can't be found in facebook. Maybe like Sukinem, my friends live either as a rough worker in the traditional market, selling traditional pancakes in Jongke Market, don't expect them to even know what facebook is.

I still remembered my teenage years at depressing economy time. If you see the reality around me, I am not supposed to be where I am now.
So what makes my condition and Sukinem's different? Hope.

My dad has the ability of planting hope to each of his children in his own way. I recalled how my dad wants each of his kids to speak English. He didn't even pass primary school education but love to watch english movies. When he couldn't buy english dictionary, coz he didn't have any income (my dad was jobless since his bookshop was bankrupt during the big flood in Solo at the 60's), he borrowed a dictionary from the regional library and wrote all the english words to train his 8 kids memorized all of them... everyday, so we wouldn't end up like him.

Hope also that caused - though the situation told me to quit hoping - after I got my degree, I tried to get recommendation so I could further my study in literature, applied for scholarship in Jakarta or England, but obtain full rejection in my face by one of my prof in my uni in Solo. I remembered his mocking, to see the reality and not to daydream. I told my primary school friend about it, and he/she also mocked me and said I shouldn't have too high hope as a girl, and reminded me to stay in Solo, and just teach in one of the high school or sec school. It's more realistic for my family's economic condition, compared to having a dream for gradschool.

Discouragement was painful and it always came all the time, but it didn't
 paralyze the hope in my heart. I kept moving forward, with the faith I had, looking for another prof that was willing to give me recommendation and kept applying any master degree scholarship in newspaper, including to Leeds Uni, England and also Uni of Jakarta. I didn't get accepted at both, but finally I got a job and a scholarship for master degree in Uni of Indonesia and finished my master in 2001. 

Why I told you about all this? The reality in our surrounding sometimes doesn't support our hope. In my sharing above, I wanted to further my study, but no one helped me or even gave me encouragement, though giving encouragement was effortless. Did all my efforts successful? Not really.

For most people, when you fail, and you keep on failing, it's tempting to give up and stop. Those failures may happened in your study, career, relationship, spirituality, etc. Giving up is an easy choice a lot of people take. But I choose to not give up thought the price is not cheap and not easy. It takes strong will to change yourself to be what you hope to be. Hope makes you alive coz you don't give up to reality.

I am inspired by some people in the Bible who kept their hope high:
1. Paul and Silas prayed and praised God in the prison, with chained legs. It's painful, and it's not rational to keep being joyful, except if they had hope in God (Acts 16:25)
2. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego burnt alive in fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar as a punishment for believing in God and not praising idol, but kept to have faith and hope in God (Dan 3:14-18)
3. Joseph, abandoned and sold by his brothers as a slave, betrayed, forgotten and considered die by his dad and prisoned, but kept being faithful with good deeds during his prison times because of his hope in God (Gen 37-41)

My point is it's important to have hope in our soul, because life without hope is death. Maybe right now, we're stuck like the disabled in the pool of Bethesda, but never let our soul paralyzed.. cause when the right time has come, hope will become reality.. Keep your hope ..and have a cheerful heart. Have a great Sunday..

Wednesday 25 February 2009

The Making of a Right Relationship with God - Humility

A little something I read for my quiet time today that absolutely pierced me. I feel broken about my pride and am a lot more aware now of the life that I've been leading.


"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves." Philippians 2:3

 Case Study: Katie Brazelton - Having been duly Humbled.

I remember my cocky attitude many years ago when I was a director of public relations for a very profitable, publicly held company. It was my heyday of wearing expensive clothes and costly jewelry, and being treated well by my employer -- financially and emotionally. I was in the inner circle of those few who got invited to the owner's home for Christmas parties. I had arrived! I think what I loved most about that job was that my opinion counted; I had a voice. The problem was that I wasn't embarrassed to brag about my good fortune. Then, in the blink of an eye, a corporate reorganization occurred as the company was being positioned for sale, and I was "on the streets" looking for a job with many other coworkers. 
It was about that time that someone called me vapor-ware. It was one person's unique way of saying that I only had vapor in the personal Tupperware of my life, that I had nothing to offer. My heart sank. I was humiliated! I knew that statement was not true, but it hurt me deeply to realize that someone that someone thought that poorly of me. What I learnt that day was that cruel humiliation is not God's way, only man's way. What I decided to do about the unkind remark was life-changing. I went on a personal quest to "get real" and fill my plastic life with Christlike substance. I'd say that God used the layoff from a pride-producing job, as well as the humiliating comment, to get my attention and cause me to want to work on building more of him, more humility into my life. For that, i will be eternally grateful.

So, how does one go about becoming humble? Does it require coming from humble circumstances? Or being mortified? Should we endure slander from helping the accused? Or be self-deprecating? All these ways could just easily produce anger, self-righteousness, vengeance, pride, and/or depression.

Humility is a natural result of having an accurate view of who God is and having the right perspective of who you are in relation to Him. Truly humble people compare themselves not with people but with Christ. They realize their sinfulness and understand their limitations. 

On the other hand, they also recognize their gifts and strengths and are willing to use them as Christ directs. A truly humble person will serve God in any capacity, even if he/she doesn't feel particularly gifted in that area. What about the person who dutifully shows up every week to sharpen the podium pencil? Is that person truly gifted in pencil sharpening?? No, she knows that the job needs to be done and doesn't feel that she is above that task or think she should conserve her energy for something more attuned to her talents. How often, hen a church ministry is seeking volunteers, do we hear, "That's not my area of giftedness"? Can that be just another way of saying, "I can get more kudos doing something I'm really good at."?

We may be thinking that humility is something that it's not. We may assume that humility is discovering our inner doormat (when you think you should just be stepped over; pushed over). But Humility is not the same as Humiliation. Humiliation is self-mortification that evokes the sense of being debased, unworthy, shamed. It screams at us that we have done something wrong and are therefore worthless. Frankly, I want to be clear that God loves us too much to ever want us to feel that way; His desire is not to shame us or humiliate us. That is the demeaning work of the Devil. The bible tells us that God honors us; he chooses us; he pursues us; he sacrifices for us; he woos us; he protects us; but never once does it say that he humiliates us. Granted, He does discipline us to get our eyes off ourselves and onto Him, but discipline is not the same as humiliation. =)

Humility can coexist with self-worth, esteem and personal value. Right thinking about yourself in relationship to God is realistic thinking -- a full-orbed picture of your strengths and weaknesses, your actual appearance, genuine talents, negative habits, and real worth. Thinking that your more wonderful than you really are is pride, and thinking that you're more wretched than you really are is false humility, which is another form of pride because it's still self-focused. 

But make no mistake about it: We are God's chosen ones , his prized possessions. 

"No more will anyone call you Rejected, and your country will no more be called Ruined. You'll be called Hephzibah (my Delighted)" Isaiah 62:4 (MSG)

Bottom line, we need to get this false humility versus godly humility versus pride thing straightened in our minds by understanding that our values rests in God, not in ourselves. 

This was quite a tough QT to swallow but I like these kinds of QTs. Something that I read myself and I can feel convicted by. Gives me a sense of joy that my heart is still soft enough to take challenges. =) 

This was exactly what I needed to to hear. Feel like I've really been living my life quite blindly when it comes to my pride. I guess prideful people don't know they are proud. Which is why it takes a quite a big fall to know that it hurts. 

What convicted me the most from what I read was the last few paragraphs, knowing exactly what humility is. Many times I give myself protection with false humility, thinking of myself as more worthless than dust. It's a bit of an exaggeration and I need to wake up from that. As much as I need to be humble, I also need to be aware of the things I need to change in and not to wallow and be affected so much. I also swing to the other extreme, thinking of myself better than I really am. When awareness sets in, humiliation does too.

 I realize how powerful the Devil can be. But I also know God is more powerful. =) In the many things that I do not do, i miss out on growth because I am afraid and I fear because I am insecure and I fear the comments of others. But I know that God's comments and discipline has far more worth than anything anyone has to say. And I can't be affected by man's words or actions. 

It's been quite an enlightening morning. Please pray for my growth as the first quarter is coming to an end.


Saturday 21 February 2009

Sera speaks: "Tough Times, Tougher God" (Lesson from Joyce)

"Troubles come my way, I gotta pray sometimes."

I guess there's a reason why this song was written. To remind us when we're going through a tough time, we gotta be reminded that God is tougher and He can carry us through. We just gotta let Him pick us up. =)

Proverbs 24:10 "If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!"

In most situations when we encounter trouble we're not able to stand firm with nothing to hang on to or rely on. Our bodies and our self made mentalities will never be able to bring us through times of any trouble. Even if we physically get through it, it still effects us emotionally. We can't run from it.

I will be able to overcome my troubles when I put my strength in God. =)

Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For  where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

We wanna end up being where our treasures are. If they are in heaven, we will end up there, if they are on earth, we will stay here, but we will not receive what is the ultimate prize! =) Where are my treasures? Are they those with eternal cause? Will they last forever?

What are my goals? Do I have eternal plans?

Matthew 6:22-23 "The eye us the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness, how great is that darkness!"

What are my eyes looking out for. What I look forward to or what I keep my focus on is what I will get. It will be how my body is affected. If my eyes see love and compassion, I will be loving and compassionate. If my eyes see wonder, I will be motivated toward good things. What do I allow my eyes to see? Let's not be squnity eyed.

Matthew 6:24-27 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink;or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feed them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

There are many things in our lives that compete with God. When we become more aware of God we can also be more aware of the other things that we idolize! Am I feeding contempt? What in my life is taking over God? What will cause God to drift further from my life?

We can chuck God aside.

Matthew 6:28-34 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying What shall we eat or What shall we drink or what shall we wear. For the pagans fun after all these things, and your heavenly father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

These few verses speak very well for themselves. There's no need for further explanation. =)


Saturday 24 January 2009

Sera speaks: "So that others can do the same."

Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
I actually read the whole of Galatians to refresh my memory a little hee hee. But i'll be sharing from Galatians 1 today. =) In Galatians 1:9 it says,"As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let that person be under God's curse!" I gulped when I read the word Curse. Usually you would see this word a whole lot more in the old testament then in the new. But it really made me realise how even with the new covenant that we've made with God, God is still very firm with the purpose He gave us from when we were first made. Even after Jesus had died on the cross for us and our lives are fill with grace, God still expects us to be firm with ourselves. How we speak, how we act and who we are needs to reflect God's words and how He has transformed us.?

What do people learn from us? How do we portray ourselves to others? Do we inspire them to think about their lives, or better, inspire them to change their lives?

I appreciate Paul when he shared about his life before and after his conversion from verses 11-24.
Paul consistently praises God and gives credit and glory to Him. He always portrays himself as someone unworthy of the grace shown to him by Jesus. But with that attitude, Paul doesn't wallow in his unworthiness. He uses his changed life and the grace given to teach and to inspire others to do the same.

In verses 23-24 it says,"They only heard the report:'The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.' And they praised God because of him." Personally, I am very inspired by Paul's attitude to his changed life. He was a murderer of christians and a destroyer of churches. I don't think any of us have murdered or destroyed lives. It's definitely humbling for me because I used to wallow and be guilty of the things I've done or have not changed. I didn't have godly sorrow. If Paul could embrace the fact that Jesus was enough to wash away all that he has done in the past, then Jesus is enough to wash away mine. =)?

I can deal with my past and I can be an inspiration to others.?
Let our change help others to do the same. =)

Love you all,

Monday 5 January 2009

Alfred speaks: "The Poor Widow"

Alfred is our very cheerful, zealous and fired up brother. He loves children and is always inspiring others with his soft heart towards the word of God.


Luke 21:1-4 “1As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins.[a] 3"I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."

 M 1) More than All the others
In church, we give 10% of our allowance or our income as our tithes. If you have $1000, you give $100 and have $900 for yourself. If you have $200, you give $20 and have $180 for yourself. However, for this poor widow, she gave 100%... everything to God.
The bible said that she put in two very small copper coins. How much is that two small copper coins worth in today’s context? If you check the footnotes at the bottom of the page, you will see the Greek word two lepta... How much is two lepta?
According to the World English Bible, Lepta are very small, brass, Jewish coins. Lepta are worth less than 1% of an agricultural worker’s daily wages.
According to another reference, a book title “Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah” written by Edersheim, he stated a denarius is the common pay for a day's work in Jesus' era, a letpon is just a tiny, tiny portion. If a laborer can earn US $100 to $200 in our day, then two lepta is 1/128 of it, that would be US75¢ to $1.50. Due to the recent economic, the US dollar becomes weak. You convert US$1.50 to Sing dollar, it is around S$2. The Widow had only S$2! $2 is all she had! She gave everything S$2 all to God. Can you relate with the poor Widow? I believe many campus students can relate with the poor widow? I believe some of you were in the situation where you only left $2.

Bro & sis, you got to see that the poor widow is different from us... Cause we know that for us, the following month, we will surely get our next month allowance. But for the poor widow, she had no idea where to get the money from... She probably had to beg or loan. She didn’t have a constant income. She lived by faith... She gave all she had and... She trusted the Lord...
Sa2) Saving up to Give
According to the book, “Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah”, it stated that Two lepta appears to have been the minimum lawful amount of a temple contribution. In other words, in the past, it seemed like 2 lepta, 2 small of copper coins was the minimum amount to give to God. From this, it shows something... it shows that the poor widow didn’t give any small amount... she probably have to SAVE UP to 2 small of copper coins in order to give the Lord.
Bro and sister, our special con is coming. Are you saving up for your special con? Most of us have already pledged of the amount to give for your special con. That is awesome... I really want to encourage everyone to save up and to give of whatever amount that you have pledge. For those, who haven’t pledge, I really want to urge you to pledge. I understand that some of us are financially tight. If we have financial difficulties, the amount of money that we pledge is not the most important. Most importantly, is the sincere pledge to God and try our very best to give to him.        
3) Faith Filled giving.  
During my Temasek Poly days, I know of this brother. He was a student like every one of us here. He had savings. Many years ago, when the church announced that they are going to build the church building, he was so excited that he gave $1000 to the church as a campus student. I remembered that the leaders advised him not to give so much as he was young and he may need that money for his future. However, that bro insist on giving. Looking back, the bro did realise that that was an impulsive giving. Because after giving $1000, his family faced some financial difficulties and he had some hard times. Nevertheless, he never regret giving... because he learn something valuable... he learn about faith... He learnt that during his financial low times, God still takes care of him and God has a plan for him. He is still in church. He is a happy man. God has blessed him tremendously. He is grateful to God and he tries his best to help bro and sis who are in need financially.
I will like to end of the poor contribution by asking everyone a question. Have you ever wondered what happened to the poor widow after that? What really happened to the poor widow after she gave everything that she had? If I would ask some of you now, to narrate of what happened to the poor widow after she gave everything that she had... what would that story be? 
I don’t know exactly what really happened to her after that... but I do know that God surely take care of her.

In Conclusion:
Let’s us imitate the incredible faith and sacrifice giving of the poor widow. To God be the Glory.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Sera speaks: "Go" until God says "Stop"

Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
Bought this book recently, it's call "Never Blink in a Hailstorm." It's a book on leadership, leading in any way possible. Being leader to your own life for example. =) Already the title says a lot. 

We as campus students, first and foremost, should aspire to be great leaders of our own lives. Never Blink in a Hailstorm: It's a lesson in itself. Unexpected things will always come our way, be prepared so you won't do something that will get you into a deeper hole. Building a knowledge to overcome obstacles. 

Other analogies apart from "Never Blink in a Hailstorm" are, "Never Swallow Perfume", "Never Hide behind a Gas Mask", "Never Die from Failure." You may think how silly. But if we look into our lives, many times we have done these things (not literally) through and through and not know that we're doing something that will hurt us and stop our growth. 

What are some of our resolutions for the coming year?

"Go" until God says "Stop"

When I work for God, what state is my heart in? Do I have a heart that says, "I'm gonna Go until God says Stop". I get extremely inspired to be something like that, but I sometimes do not see myself trying at all. In many situations I forget, and that tells me I'm leading solely with my heart. When I feel good about something, I'm all inspired to be like that and go go go. Then I wake up the next morning not feeling inspired anymore. 

Being able to lead my own life, takes a little less heart and little more mind. Finding a conviction and a purpose for doing something that my heart feels right doing. Many times our gut feelings are accurate, but we need to back them up with solid conviction and what the bible says we must do. 

My top priority this year was to be secured and surrendered. And I think I've achieved that to a certain extent. I push myself just a little closer to the edge just to get a sense of how it would feel to jump off and have someone catch me. When I actually jumped off, I realized I had gained enough security to be surrendered. Somehow God worked it all out for me. =)

My top priority next year would be to take my security higher and to build in my Faith. I want to "Go" until God says "Stop". When God gives us so much freedom to do something, God will also give us boundaries. Like what Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 9,"Take nothing for the journey, no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them." Jesus had given the Twelve full power and authority but also boundaries. Boundaries to guard their heart and to be Christ-Like. 

We've been given freedom because Jesus has died for our sins and has set us free. If we believe in that, then we must also believe in the bible which gives us many boundaries so that when we follow them we might be like Christ. =)

As much as I want to "Go" until God says "Stop", I need to know when to Go fast and when to Go slow. God didn't say, "You need to zoom zoom through your life." He said to "make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." Making an effort to keep putting one foot in front of the other is all God wants us to do. But what drives that is, the mercy He has shown us. 

In order to lead our lives, we need to understand the basis of what has been given to us. And how to use it to Glorify God. 

Keeping God number one, loving the people He puts around us and planting the seed in those we see but do not know. =)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Sunday 17 August 2008

Silvia speaks: "Ephesians 5:1-7"

Here is something Silvia shared in our small group QT on Ephesians, it totally cut me as I read. Enjoy.

Silvia is a freshman from NTU, newly added to our campus ministry! She's vibrant and adds a deep thought into everything she sees and reads. She brings a smile to all our faces.

5:1-2 says that '...Jesus gave himself up as a fragrant offering...' He willingly went and died. How often is it that I take this so lightly and forget his heart to give himself up for me! There wasn't a hint of regret in him. 
5:3-7 talks more about areas we have to be distinctly different from those in the world. Everything we do, say or think has to be something that builds up! We have to be THAT clear minded and led by the spirit so that we do things that please God.
The sentence 'God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient' reminds me of an insight I got from the book that Marliyn gave me - '3:16' by Max Lucado. In it, he concludes that God DOES let people go to hell, despite how much He loves them. But it's simply because He has already given them a lifetime to repent, but they refuse to listen! Sometimes hell doesn't quite scare us, especially when people tend to use it without any meaning. Lucado writes this chapter very well, but the part that hit me the most was the story of Lazarus the beggar that Jesus spoke about. Lazarus had gone to heaven with nothing to lack anymore, while the rich man was suffering in hell. Remember what the rich man asked for? That Lazarus dip his finger in water to cool his tongue. Why not beg to go to heaven instead?! Lucado writes," Contrary to the idea that hell prompts remorse, it doesn't. It intensifies blasphemy". In hell, people don't want to get out. They don't regret being in hell. That scares me. Imagine loving hell, bitterness, and everything at its worst. 
If we're disobedient and refuse to listen to what God says, he takes away even the longing for God himself. With that, I pray so much that we'll continue to lead our lives always longing for more of God's love and mercy. 

Saturday 16 August 2008

Reliability & Credibility of the Bible!

Do join us for this event which will be held at SMU this coming wednesday 20th Aug! Hope to see you there. =)

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Sera speaks: "God's Mystery"

Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
 DSC_0017.JPG.jpg In Ephesians 3:6 it says, "This mystery is that through the gospel the gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Jesus Christ."

When I read the word 'heirs' I pondered, we're heirs to a throne? We will inherit something when someone dies? I mean these are just first thoughts la. haha... Then I read in different translations for a better picture to visualize.

In NLT it says, And this is God's plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe in the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God's children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Jesus Christ."

In the Message Bible is says, "Outsiders and insiders standing on the same ground...they get the same help, same promise in Jesus Christ. The message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board."

I got a much better picture after reading from my 2 favorite translations. Especially the Message bible. It becomes so personal, like different people can come to God and receive the same love, same help, the same Jesus we all learn and feel inspired and broken from. =)

Myster = Secret Plan of God
- to reach out to gentiles, that His word is for everyone and not just the Jews and the 'promised God's people in the old testament. 
- When is is awkward to reach out to a particular person, remember that the word needs to go out to everyone.

In verse 7-8 is says, "I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power. Although I am less than the least of God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ."

- We were and still are being shown grace, at our least God made us the most important.
- We, inturn, from the outflow of our gratitude should show this grace to others.


Are we grateful for what's been given to us?
- Only you will know.
- When we don't love, it's either we don't feel loved or we don't make the effort to feel the love that God gives.

In verse 15 is says, "...from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives it's name."

From God, I was created.
From God, I am called Sera.
From God, I can walk and talk.
From God, I can create friendships.
From God, I can have a heart.
From God, I can love. =)

Is God the one who makes our life full?

Only when we reflect and understand the love that comes into us and flows through our veins, then we can show this love to someone else and they can feel the same. =)
Love <3

Thursday 7 August 2008

Alfred speaks: "Hard Workers"

Alfred is our very cheerful, zealous and fired up brother. He loves children and is always inspiring others with his soft heart towards the word of God.



Proverbs 30:24-28

PR 30:24 "Four things on earth are small,

    yet they are extremely wise:
  PR 30:25 Ants are creatures of little strength,
    yet they store up their food in the summer;
  PR 30:26 coneys are creatures of little power,
    yet they make their home in the crags;
  PR 30:27 locusts have no king,
    yet they advance together in ranks;
  PR 30:28 a lizard can be caught with the hand,
yet it is found in kings' palaces.
The bible mentions about the four creatures that are small but yet extremely wise. They are Ants, Coneys, Locusts & Lizards. Though all may seem small and harmless, there are areas that the Lord wants us to learn from them. Today, we shall take a closer look of each of this creature. To begin I shall share specifically on Ants.


The queen ant lays all the eggs in the anthill. 
Wood ants squirt acid from the end of their abdomens.
Wood ant workers live seven to ten years.
Wood ants make anthills out of twigs, leaves and soil.
The queen ant lives up to ten or twenty years.
The wood ant can threaten the enemy with open jaws.
There are thirty-five thousand kinds of ants in the world.
The queen ant has wings.
The army ant bites and stings any bug that comes toward it.
The army ant can even bite a huge snake.
Ants have two stomachs one for them and one to feed others.
Some ants sleep seven hours a day.
The queen licks the eggs to make them hatch.
The queen feeds her eggs her own saliva. 
Some ants can have up to three queens.

One of the main jobs of ants is to look for food. They are scavengers and are one of nature's best clean up crews. Believe it or not, ants are responsible for "cleaning up" much of the environment all around the world. When creatures die, ants will pick at whatever remains until all the edible parts are gone. Once food is found, an ant lays down a scent as it returns to the nest. Other ants will pick up this scent and follow the trail to the food.

Some ants actually care for and "farm" other insects! Aphids, scale insects and mealybugs suck the sap of plants. These insects can't use all the sugar that they get from the plants, so they excrete "honeydew", which the ants collect to feed the colony. Ants will transport aphids from plant to plant and take the eggs into their colony for the winter. Ants will also defend aphids from insect predators, such as lady beetles and lacewings, by attacking them in large numbers.

Ants have set a good example for humans for their hard work and cooperation. 

Ø      Hard working

Hard working is always the word to use to describe the ants. In the internet, we can easily find stories about the hard working ants. Here are some interesting facts about the hardworking ants:

The ants cut, collect, and scavenge about 200 kg (dry weight) of plant materials each year. Each colony has a foraging range as large as the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.

That’s Amazing! In a year, a colony of ants can collect food up to the size of an aircraft carrier. The ant is indeed a very hard working creature. Let’s us imitate this diligent creature and never give up in doing what is good.

Monday 7 July 2008

Sera speaks: "Watch Out! High Voltage! Letter from God...continued...."

Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!

Hi brothers and Sisters,

I'm here to share about the second point from the first lesson Steven shared with us!

I'm in Action..."that He gave His one and only son..."

There was this analogy that Steven shared:
"One day a man fell into a pit and wasn't able to climb out. Many different people came by and this is what they each had to say.......
The Optimist said, "Hey buddy, looks like you're gonna be alright! I'm sure you'll make it out."
The Pessimist said, "Gosh, all the best man. Looks like it's gonna be tough."
The Civil Engineer said, "If you put one foot into that part of the soil and the other in another part then put your hands here, the weight from your foot should push your weight on to....... blah blah blah...."
The emotional person said, "Waaaa! I feel for you..... it must be so lonely down there!!!!"
The logical person said, "You just gotta get outta there! or else.... you'll starve"

Jesus says, "Give me your hand."
Love that does not serve is totally empty. =)

This point truly hit me and really convicted me so much. There was something I had to learn from, from this point. Putting my love into action and not always standing in the back and be judgmental over things that aren't done. If they're not done, why don't I be the one ho initiates... =)

God's greatest act of love was giving up His son to the merciless cross. Jesus wasn't willing but he was obedient and He loved God enough to know that He is real and to trust Him. The love that God shows us here is something we cannot replicate. Seriously. If you ever do something out of love that is more mind blowing than what God did? Please give me a call...

That was the greatest act of love in all of mankind!! And a whole lot of us including me take that for granted! 

Jesus did die on the cross!
God did do that to show His love!
Our sins are forgiven from that act of love!
And we're not grateful!

Those are just 4 facts that have reigned this earth. Let it not be us to not be grateful. =) We know what we read, and we know what we believe. As much as we say we're imperfect, as long as we're aware that we are not grateful, we need to do something because it WILL be held against us when our time comes... 

Steven asked this question that kinda shook me a little.... "Am I convinced that God has given His best?"

I think if I can tell myself "YES" I can be totally grateful. Let's all be saying yes to that question... =)

His action speaks so much louder than all the things anyone has to say. Let that be said for us too.. Let us find the security to act out our christian lives. People have eyes, they have ears.. They will see and they will hear.... =)


Love and Cheers,

Saturday 5 July 2008

Sera speaks: "Watch Out! High Voltage! Letter from God."

Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

Didn't we have the greatest time during the retreat!?!?!
I personally feel very grateful to have had the KL campus do so much for us! There was so much warmth and so many awesome prayer times with the different brothers and sisters from the campus over there. I really loved every single lesson shared, every devotional and every d-grp. I felt totally re-charged when I was there. There was definately some high voltage going on there! 

Most of what was shared during the retreat revolved around God's love for us and how we saw ourselves through God's eyes. And I just thought that was really amazing, because we're always thinking about who God is and how awesome God is and how much He works in our lives. But, we never really talked about how He views us?

How precious am I to God?
What's so special about me that He made me?
Why does He want to see me do well?
Why does He love me?

These were just some of the questions asked, and to be honest, I found it difficult to answer them. =) I really need to be thinking about those questions as I'm back home now and getting ready to start school again.


This is what Steven shared with us on our first night at Dusun Eco!

1. Don't miss out!
2. I'm in action!
3. You're my target!
4. Don't lose it!

These were the points that he used to guide us through the lesson.

Don't miss out... "for God so loved the world..."

- God doesn't want us to miss out on the love that He gives to us so freely. All He wants is to love us and for us to respond to that love. He cannot love us less. =)
- We're so imperfect, living in a world so corrupt. We're constantly falling into the hands of satan. But God said, "for I so loved you...." How does that make us feel? He loves us despite of our iniquities. =)

Do you feel God's love? Kinda reminds me of one of the team's cheer. They asked each other if they felt God's love and the question was past on, when one person said, "I feel God's love." it was then passed back to the rest of the group. God's love is so powerful, it works through people. Amen!

Steve shared Hosea 11 (which is my favorite chapter in the entire bible, because it was a turning point in my christian life. )

Hosea 11 talks about God's love for Israel. How God saw Israel from a child, growing up and growing apart from God. How God had overflowing compassion that He could not bear to punish the people. =) I took the word Israel and replaced it with my own name. 

That's how God feels about me. He's willing to stoop down sooo low to feed me, to place his cheek against mine, to hold my hand and walk with me through this journey. But all I do is run away from Him because there are so many things that seem more important or attractive than the love He had to give. 

Sometimes I look back and think, "what can be so much more important and attractive than God's love???? What am I thinking???" 


God loves us not because we strive to be perfect, He loves us because we ARE perfect, because we are made in His image. Because he carefully put the pieces together. 

a finger nail to a finger, a finger to a hand, a hand to an arm, an arm to a shoulder, a shoulder to another's cheek.

That's how God works. If we can just understand this. Wow, imagine what He's really like in life size? You can never imagine the immaculate love that He has to give... =)


That's what I learnt from the first point. =) And it's rekindled my love for God.

Stay tuned for my thoughts on the rest of the points. =)

Love and Cheers,


Thursday 3 July 2008

Watch Out! High Voltage!!!!


We all did a great job for our Passage to Patmos!!! I really want to commend the young christians who chose option 2 and did a great job!! Amen guys! 

We had such an awesome prayer night at Wee Keong and Joyce's on wednesday. There was so much warmth and welcoming. I think the retreat did all of us some good!

Please Please Please write something you learnt from the retreat so I can post it here. We want to impact people in anyway possible even people we may not know who might drip by here.. =)

Do send it to me in an email, if not you can directly post in this blog if you've got the username and password...

I'm really looking forward what you guys have to share, it will really help some of us in our quiet times, so pls have a heart for everyone.. =)

Love and Cheers,


Friday 13 June 2008

Duminda speaks: 'Kindness Pays'

Duminda is our brother from the beautiful Sri Lanka, he's quiet but full 
of wisdom and gratitude for God's creations. He enjoys praising God for the little things in life. 
Duminda has been an inspiration to the Campus Ministry! 

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his
way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was

He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost
his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal
he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought
him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How
much do I owe you?"

"You don't owe me anything," she replied

"Mother has taught us never to accept payment for a kindness." He
said..."Then I thank you from my heart."

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt; stronger
physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been
ready to give up and quit.

Years later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors
were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called
in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called
in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came
from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went
down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's
gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to
the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From
that day he gave special attention to the case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the
business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked
at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her
room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest
of her life to pay for it all. Finally, she looked, and something
caught ; her attention on the side as She read these words.....

"Paid in full with one glass of milk."
(Signed) Dr. Howard

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
GOD, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands."

Friday 6 June 2008

Overall History of the New Testament (According to the book of Acts)

Overall History of the New Testament 
(According to the book of Acts)

In 63BC, Pompey, the Roman general captured Jerusalem 
(ever since, the whole of Israel territory is under Roman Empire)

1. Birth of Christ (4BC), during the ruling period of:
- Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar, 27BC-AD14 (Luke 2:1)
- King of Judah Herod the Great, the Palestine region divided into 3 provinces between his sons:

Archelaus (4BC-AD6), recorded in Matthew 2:22

Herod Antipas (4BC-AD39) --> beheaded John the baptist, questioning Jesus after Pilate

Philip (4BC-AD33) --> whose wife was taken by Herod Antipas

2. Baptism of Jesus, the starting of Jesus' Ministry (AD26-27):

Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar, AD 14-37
Governor of Judea Pontius Pilate, AD2-36
Herod Antipas tetrach of Galilee, 4BC-AD39

3. Cruxifiction, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus (AD29-30):

After appearance before His disciples for 40 days, Jesus ascended in the vicinity of bethany (Luke 24:50-51) in the region of the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:12)

4. The establishment of the early church (started AD30-100)

Centered in Jerusalem, mainly led by Peter and John (Acts 1-7)

Cornelius and his family was the first converted gentile (Acts 10)

The ruling Roman Emperors after Tiberius Caesar were: Caligula (AD37-41), Claudius (AD41-54), Nero (AD54-68), Galba (AD68-69), Vespatian (AD69-79), Titus (AD79-81), Domitian (AD81-96)

The Palestine region was oerall riled by Herod Agrippa I (AD39-44) after the death of Herod Antipas.

5. Conversion of Saul in AD32, as in Acts 9.

He was converted near Damascus.

After his conversion he first preached there, then went to Arabia (Gal 1:17) and then returned to Damascus till driven out by the Jews. Next, he went to Jerusalem, meeting Peter and James (Gal 1:18). There was a plot to kill him, so he left for Tarsus, his home town.

6. Beginning of the foreign missionary

As the church sprouted in Jerusalem, persecution from the Jews and King Herod Agrippa I kept escalating, so that many disciples and apostles scattered as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, Antioch in Syria while spreading the Gospel. During this persecution period, the church in Antioch established (Acts 11:19-26), with Barnabas and Saul leading them.

7. The death of Herod Agrippa I, (AD44) as in Acts 12:23

Persecuted disciples; killed James the apostle (Acts12:2); arrested Peter (Acts 12:3-4)

8. Famine in Roman Empire (AD45) as in Acts 11:28.

During this time, Saul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem to send the gift from the church in Antioch (Acts 11:29-30 & Gal 2:1)

9. Paul's FIRST missionary journey (AD46-48) as in Acts 13:2 - 14:28)

Upon returning from Jerusalem, Barnabas and Saul sent off to the region of Galatia (together with John Mark who also came from Jerusalem).

Route: Antioch - Seleucia - Cyprus (met Elymus the sorcerer) - Perga (John left for Jerusalem) - Pisdian Antioch - Iconium - Lystra (Paul and Barnabas were perceived as gods, then they were stoned) - Derbe - returned to Lystra - Iconia - Pisidian Antioch - Perga - Attalia - back to Antioch.

10. Jerusalem Council (around AD49) as in Acts 15:1-35)

To address the issue about circumcision for converted gentiles. After the counsel, Paul returned to Antioch, and he wrote a letter to the church in Galatia as they faced the same problem (AD49-50)

11. Paul's SECOND missionary journey (AD49-52) as in Acts 15:36 - 18:22)

Paul parted with Barnabas who took John Mark with him. Paul chose Silas who came with him from Jerusalem after Jerusalem council.

Route: Antioch - Derbe - Lystra (Timothy joined) - Iconium - Pisidian Antioch - Troas - Neapolis - Philippi (for several days; conversion of Lydia and Paul's imprisonment) - Thessalonica (for 3 weeks; Jews mob assaults Jason) - Berea - Athens (Paul preached in Areopagus) - Corinth (for 1.5 years; met Aquila and Priscilla who were expelled from Rome; Paul was brought to proconsul Gallio; books 1&2 Thess written in AD 50-51) - Cenchrea - Ephesus - Caesarea - back to Antioch.

12. Expulsion of the Jews from Rome, by order of Claudius (AD49) as in Acts 18:2

13. Appointment of Gallio as proconsul of Achaia in AD51-52

Paul brought to Gallio by Jews who attacked him in Corinth (Acts 18:12)

14. Paul's third missionary journey (AD53-57) s in Acts 18:23 - 21:17

Route: Antioch - Derbe - Lystra - Iconium - Pisidian Antioch - Ephesus (for 3 months Pauls taught in the Synagogue and for 2 years, Paul taught in the hall of Tyrannus; mass conversions, sorcerers repented by burning their scrolls; riot led by silersmith Demetrius who made shrines for Artemis; book of 1 Corinthians written in AD55) - Troas Macedonia (books of 1Timothy and 2 Corinthians were written in AD 56) - Corinth (3 months; books of Romans and Titus were written in AD57) - returned to Philippi, Macedonia (on the way back to Syria) - Troas (Eutychus fell off the window) - Assos - Miletus (farewell to Ephesian elders) - Cos - Rhodes - Patara - Tyre (stayed for 7 days) - Ptolemais - Caesarea (prophet Agabus came from Judea and predicted Paul's arrest in Jerusalem) - Jerusalem

15. The arrest of Paul in Jerusalem (AD57) as in Acts 21:27 - 22:29

Reason: The Jews provoked the people that Paul's teaching was against the law and had defiled the temple by bringing the gentiles in.

Trials before the Sanhedrin, then transferred to Caesarea fro trials before Governor Felix, Governor Festus, King Agrippa II. That took 2 years (Acts 22:30 - 26:32). During this time, books of Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon were written (AD58).

Paul then appealed to Caesar (the reason for the journey to Rome.)

16. Paul's Journey to Rome. (AD59-60) as in Acts 27:1 - 28:31.

The whole journey to Rome took about 4 months after leaving Caesarea.

Route: Caesarea - Sidon - Myra (change ship to an Alexandrian ship) - Fair Havens in Crete - Driven across the sea, shipwreck before reaching Malta - Malta (Paul bitten by a snake but nothing happened to him; healing the official's father and the sick) - Syracuse in Sicily - Rhegium - Puteoli (stayed for one week; visited by disciples from Three Tavern and Forum of Appius) - Rome.

Upon arrival in AD60, Paul was under house arrest while preaching the gospel and writing letters to various churches and individuals (Philippians in AD60-62 and 2 Timothy in AD64)

17. Rome was set ablaze by Nero in AD64

Christians were blamed for setting the city on fire. The persecution from the Roman Emperor was then more and more severe.

18. Jerusalem was destroyed by Roman Empire in AD 70 during the rule of Vespatian

19. The 4 gospels and the book of Acts were written in the span of AD 60-70

20. The last book : Revelation (in AD95-96)

Written by John the apostle during his exile in Patmos island; John died around AD100.

His last letter: 2 Timothy, written in AD64. He was executed in Rome around AD64 by Nero's order after Rome was set on Fire by Nero.