Dear Campus,
Just read a note made by an Indonesian sister, Wulan, who is a diplomat in Frankfurt. She represented the Indonesian Embassy there n has been living in lots of countries before. She is also a strong disciple and her aunt just got baptisted in Indonesia. Think it's just interesting to see a part of her life journey to learn that our situation now is not so bad compared to the old days, and when we fight we'll get through. (provide the original text for the Indonesians :P).
Berapa dari kita, karena situasi dan realita hidup yang menekan kemudian menjadikan kita orang yang sarkastik, pesimis, penuh kemarahan, penyesalan, sakit hati, dan akhirnya menjadi kehilangan harapan? Dan itulah yang terjadi ketika jiwa kehilangan harapan. Itulah kematian jiwa sebenarnya yang menjadikan hidup kita secara fisik juga semakin menderita.
Today, I am reminded of how important to keep on hoping, despite of circumstances looks like or seems to be.
Kadang aku mendengar beberapa teman membanggakan siapa teman-teman mereka waktu sekolah atau darimana mereka sekolah atau keluarga mereka siapa….. Aku? Ketika aku pulang ke Solo beberapa tahun lalu setelah cukup lama merantau di jakarta, ibuku dengan bangga bercerita telah bertemu teman SDku yang bernama Sukinem, di pasar induk, sedang berjualan tempeh dan beranak tiga. Ehemm… Sekarang itu menjawab bukan, kenapa tak satupun teman SD dan SMPku di Solo dapat kutemukan di Facebook. Mungkin seperti Sukinem, teman-temanku entah hidup sebagai buruh di pasar, atau jualan martabak di Pasar jongke, jangankan berharap ber facebook.
Aku masih ingat masa-masa remajaku dengan keadaan ekonomi yang sulit dna menekan. Kalau dikalkulasi dengan realita sekelilingku, aku seharusnya tidak berada dalam posisiku sekarang ini.
Lalu apa yang membuat keadaanku dan Sukinem berbeda? Harapan.
Ayahku memiliki kelebihan dalam menanamkan Harapan ke masing-masing dari anaknya dengan caranya sendiri. Aku ingat ayahku ingin setiap anaknya bisa berbahasa inggris. Padahal ayahku, yang sekolah SDpun tidak lulus tapi hobi nonton film-film barat Ketika ia tidak mampu membeli kamus bahasa Inggris, karena tak berpenghasilan (ayahku menganggur sejak bangkrut toko bukunya di Widuran sewaktu banjir besar terjadi di solo pada tahun 60an), maka ia mengambil kamus dari perpustakaan kotamadya dan mencatat semua kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris untuk dilatih menghapalkan ke delapan anak2nya...setiap hari, agar tidak berakhir seperti dia.
Harapan pula yang menyebabkan --- walaupun kondisi sekelilingku menyuruhku untuk berhenti berpengharapan ---- setelah kuliah S1ku kelar aku berupaya meminta rekomendasi untuk dapat mengambil kuliah lagi sastra atau untuk aplikasi beasiswa S2 di Jakarta atau di Inggris, tetapi ditolak mentah-mentah oleh salah satu dosenku di FKIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Aku ingat cemoohannya, bahwa aku seharusnya melihat realita dan tidak banyak bermimpi. Salah satu temanku SDpun yang aku ajak curhat, malahan juga mencemooh dan mengatakan bahwa aku tidak usah berharap terlalu tinggi sebagai perempuan, dan mengingatkan aku untuk tetap tinggal di Solo, dan mengajar di salah satu sekolah SMA atau SMP saja. Itu lebih realistis dengan keadaan ekonomi keluargaku, daripada bermimpi untuk sekolah lagi.
Cemoohan itu memang menyakitkan dan datang silih berganti, tetapi tidak membuat harapan yang ada dalam hatiku lumpuh. Aku terus maju, bersama harapan yang aku miliki, mencari dosen lain yang mau memberikan rekomendasi untuk kuliahku dan terus mencoba mengirim aplikasi beasiswa S2 yang diumumkan di koran termasuk ke Leeds University, Inggris dan juga aplikasi kuliah S2 di Universitas Jakarta. Keduanya memang aku tidak berhasil diterima, tetapi, akhirnya aku memperoleh pekerjaan dan beasiswa kuliah S2 di Universitas Indonesia dan selesai pada tahun 2001.
Kenapa aku ceritakan ini? Realita sekeliling kita kadang-kadang tidak selalu mendukung harapan kita. Dalam sharingku diatas, aku memiliki keinginan baik untuk sekolah lagi, tetapi belum tentu sekelilingku menyetujuinya, bahkan memberi restupun tidak , yang ibaratnya gratis. What is the loss anyway? Apakah upaya-upaya yang kulakukan langsung berhasil? Tidak juga.
Bagi banyak orang, apabila kegagalan, dan kegagalan terus yang didapatkan, sangat mudah tergoda untuk menyerah, kapok dan berhenti. Dan kegagalan-kegagalan itu mungkin terjadi dalam studi, karir, hubungan, kerohanian dst,. Menyerah adalah pilihan yang mudah dan banyak dipilih orang.
Namun, aku memilih tidak menyerah sebagai jawabannya. Walaupun harga yang dibayar tidak murah dan tidak gampang. Perlu kemauan dan tekad untuk merubah diri juga agar sesuai harapan. Harapan membuat hidup menjadi hidup karena tidak menyerah pada realita.
Aku terinspirasi beberapa pengalaman orang-orang yang terus berpengharapan dan termuat dalam Alkitab;
1. Paulus dan Silas berdoa dan menyanyikan pujian pada Allah di dalam penjara, dengan kaki dibelenggu. Keadaan yang menyakitkan, sulit diterima pikiran untuk tetap bersukacita, kecuali mereka memiliki harapan pada Allah. (Kisah para Rasul 16: 25)
2. Daniel dan 2 temannya (Sadrach, Mesakh dan Abednego) dibakar dalam tungku pemanas oleh Raja Nebukadnezzar sebagai hukuman karena percaya pada Allah dan tidak menyembah dewa, tetapi tetap terus percaya dan berpengharapan pada Allah (Daniel 3: 14-18)
3. Jusuf yang dibuang dan dijual saudara-saudaranya sebagai budak, dikhianati, dilupakan, dianggap mati oleh ayahnya dan dipenjara, tetapi tetap setia dnengan baik dalam pekerjaan-pekerjaannya selama masa penjara itu karena pengharapan pada Allah ( Kejadian 37-41)
My point is harapan itu penting dan harus tetap ada dalam setiap jiwa, karena hidup tanpa harapan, adalah kematian. Mungkin saat ini, kita terjebak dalam keadaan seperti orang lumpuh di tepi kolam Bethesda, tetapi attitude jiwa kita jangan pernah lumpuh…karena bila waktunya tiba, harapan itu menjadi kenyataan…Keep hopeful..and have a cheerful heart. Have a Great Sunday….
Renunganku , Frankfurt, 22 April 2009
How many of us, because of depressing life situations and realities, becoming a sarcastic, pesimistic, full of anger, regret, heart ache ,and finally lose hope? That is what happened when our soul lose hope. That is the real death of soul that makes our lives suffer more.
Today, I am reminded of how important to keep on hoping, despite of circumstances looks like or seems to be.
Sometimes I hear how some of my friends boast about who their schoolmates were or where they went to school or who are their relatives. Me...? When I went back to Solo (a city in Central Java, Indonesia) a few years back after I stayed so long in Jakarta, my mom proudly said that she met my primary school friend Sukinem, in the traditional market, selling tempe (soya bean product like tofu) and have 3 kids. Well... that answers why, none of my primary or sec school friends can't be found in facebook. Maybe like Sukinem, my friends live either as a rough worker in the traditional market, selling traditional pancakes in Jongke Market, don't expect them to even know what facebook is.
I still remembered my teenage years at depressing economy time. If you see the reality around me, I am not supposed to be where I am now.
So what makes my condition and Sukinem's different? Hope.
My dad has the ability of planting hope to each of his children in his own way. I recalled how my dad wants each of his kids to speak English. He didn't even pass primary school education but love to watch english movies. When he couldn't buy english dictionary, coz he didn't have any income (my dad was jobless since his bookshop was bankrupt during the big flood in Solo at the 60's), he borrowed a dictionary from the regional library and wrote all the english words to train his 8 kids memorized all of them... everyday, so we wouldn't end up like him.
Hope also that caused - though the situation told me to quit hoping - after I got my degree, I tried to get recommendation so I could further my study in literature, applied for scholarship in Jakarta or England, but obtain full rejection in my face by one of my prof in my uni in Solo. I remembered his mocking, to see the reality and not to daydream. I told my primary school friend about it, and he/she also mocked me and said I shouldn't have too high hope as a girl, and reminded me to stay in Solo, and just teach in one of the high school or sec school. It's more realistic for my family's economic condition, compared to having a dream for gradschool.
Discouragement was painful and it always came all the time, but it didn't paralyze the hope in my heart. I kept moving forward, with the faith I had, looking for another prof that was willing to give me recommendation and kept applying any master degree scholarship in newspaper, including to Leeds Uni, England and also Uni of Jakarta. I didn't get accepted at both, but finally I got a job and a scholarship for master degree in Uni of Indonesia and finished my master in 2001.
Why I told you about all this? The reality in our surrounding sometimes doesn't support our hope. In my sharing above, I wanted to further my study, but no one helped me or even gave me encouragement, though giving encouragement was effortless. Did all my efforts successful? Not really.
For most people, when you fail, and you keep on failing, it's tempting to give up and stop. Those failures may happened in your study, career, relationship, spirituality, etc. Giving up is an easy choice a lot of people take. But I choose to not give up thought the price is not cheap and not easy. It takes strong will to change yourself to be what you hope to be. Hope makes you alive coz you don't give up to reality.
I am inspired by some people in the Bible who kept their hope high:
1. Paul and Silas prayed and praised God in the prison, with chained legs. It's painful, and it's not rational to keep being joyful, except if they had hope in God (Acts 16:25)
2. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego burnt alive in fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar as a punishment for believing in God and not praising idol, but kept to have faith and hope in God (Dan 3:14-18)
3. Joseph, abandoned and sold by his brothers as a slave, betrayed, forgotten and considered die by his dad and prisoned, but kept being faithful with good deeds during his prison times because of his hope in God (Gen 37-41)
My point is it's important to have hope in our soul, because life without hope is death. Maybe right now, we're stuck like the disabled in the pool of Bethesda, but never let our soul paralyzed.. cause when the right time has come, hope will become reality.. Keep your hope ..and have a cheerful heart. Have a great Sunday..
Monday, 23 March 2009
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 13:02 0 comments
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
The Making of a Right Relationship with God - Humility
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 11:14 0 comments
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Sera speaks: "Tough Times, Tougher God" (Lesson from Joyce)
"Troubles come my way, I gotta pray sometimes."
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 19:17 0 comments
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Sera speaks: "So that others can do the same."
Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 00:27 0 comments
Monday, 5 January 2009
Alfred speaks: "The Poor Widow"
Luke 21:1-4 “1As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins.[a] 3"I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 12:23 0 comments
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Sera speaks: "Go" until God says "Stop"
Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 01:36 0 comments
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Silvia speaks: "Ephesians 5:1-7"
5:3-7 talks more about areas we have to be distinctly different from those in the world. Everything we do, say or think has to be something that builds up! We have to be THAT clear minded and led by the spirit so that we do things that please God.
The sentence 'God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient' reminds me of an insight I got from the book that Marliyn gave me - '3:16' by Max Lucado. In it, he concludes that God DOES let people go to hell, despite how much He loves them. But it's simply because He has already given them a lifetime to repent, but they refuse to listen! Sometimes hell doesn't quite scare us, especially when people tend to use it without any meaning. Lucado writes this chapter very well, but the part that hit me the most was the story of Lazarus the beggar that Jesus spoke about. Lazarus had gone to heaven with nothing to lack anymore, while the rich man was suffering in hell. Remember what the rich man asked for? That Lazarus dip his finger in water to cool his tongue. Why not beg to go to heaven instead?! Lucado writes," Contrary to the idea that hell prompts remorse, it doesn't. It intensifies blasphemy". In hell, people don't want to get out. They don't regret being in hell. That scares me. Imagine loving hell, bitterness, and everything at its worst.
If we're disobedient and refuse to listen to what God says, he takes away even the longing for God himself. With that, I pray so much that we'll continue to lead our lives always longing for more of God's love and mercy.
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 01:10 0 comments
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Reliability & Credibility of the Bible!
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 16:40 0 comments
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Sera speaks: "God's Mystery"
Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
In Ephesians 3:6 it says, "This mystery is that through the gospel the gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Jesus Christ."
When I read the word 'heirs' I pondered, we're heirs to a throne? We will inherit something when someone dies? I mean these are just first thoughts la. haha... Then I read in different translations for a better picture to visualize.
In NLT it says, And this is God's plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe in the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God's children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Jesus Christ."
In the Message Bible is says, "Outsiders and insiders standing on the same ground...they get the same help, same promise in Jesus Christ. The message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board."
I got a much better picture after reading from my 2 favorite translations. Especially the Message bible. It becomes so personal, like different people can come to God and receive the same love, same help, the same Jesus we all learn and feel inspired and broken from. =)
Myster = Secret Plan of God
- to reach out to gentiles, that His word is for everyone and not just the Jews and the 'promised God's people in the old testament.
- When is is awkward to reach out to a particular person, remember that the word needs to go out to everyone.
In verse 7-8 is says, "I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power. Although I am less than the least of God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ."
- We were and still are being shown grace, at our least God made us the most important.
- We, inturn, from the outflow of our gratitude should show this grace to others.
Are we grateful for what's been given to us?
- Only you will know.
- When we don't love, it's either we don't feel loved or we don't make the effort to feel the love that God gives.
In verse 15 is says, "...from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives it's name."
From God, I was created.
From God, I am called Sera.
From God, I can walk and talk.
From God, I can create friendships.
From God, I can have a heart.
From God, I can love. =)
Is God the one who makes our life full?
Only when we reflect and understand the love that comes into us and flows through our veins, then we can show this love to someone else and they can feel the same. =)Love <3
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 20:24 0 comments
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Alfred speaks: "Hard Workers"
Alfred is our very cheerful, zealous and fired up brother. He loves children and is always inspiring others with his soft heart towards the word of God. Proverbs 30:24-28 PR 30:24 "Four things on earth are small, �The queen ant lays all the eggs in the anthill. One of the main jobs of ants is to look for food. They are scavengers and are one of nature's best clean up crews. Believe it or not, ants are responsible for "cleaning up" much of the environment all around the world. When creatures die, ants will pick at whatever remains until all the edible parts are gone. Once food is found, an ant lays down a scent as it returns to the nest. Other ants will pick up this scent and follow the trail to the food.
�Wood ants squirt acid from the end of their abdomens.
�Wood ant workers live seven to ten years.
�Wood ants make anthills out of twigs, leaves and soil.
�The queen ant lives up to ten or twenty years.
�The wood ant can threaten the enemy with open jaws.
�There are thirty-five thousand kinds of ants in the world.
�The queen ant has wings.
�The army ant bites and stings any bug that comes toward it.
�The army ant can even bite a huge snake.
�Ants have two stomachs one for them and one to feed others.
�Some ants sleep seven hours a day.
�The queen licks the eggs to make them hatch.
�The queen feeds her eggs her own saliva.
�Some ants can have up to three queens.Some ants actually care for and "farm" other insects! Aphids, scale insects and mealybugs suck the sap of plants. These insects can't use all the sugar that they get from the plants, so they excrete "honeydew", which the ants collect to feed the colony. Ants will transport aphids from plant to plant and take the eggs into their colony for the winter. Ants will also defend aphids from insect predators, such as lady beetles and lacewings, by attacking them in large numbers.
Ants have set a good example for humans for their hard work and cooperation.
Ø Hard working
Hard working is always the word to use to describe the ants. In the internet, we can easily find stories about the hard working ants. Here are some interesting facts about the hardworking ants:
The ants cut, collect, and scavenge about 200 kg (dry weight) of plant materials each year. Each colony has a foraging range as large as the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.
That’s Amazing! In a year, a colony of ants can collect food up to the size of an aircraft carrier. The ant is indeed a very hard working creature. Let’s us imitate this diligent creature and never give up in doing what is good.
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 16:04 0 comments
Monday, 7 July 2008
Sera speaks: "Watch Out! High Voltage! Letter from God...continued...."
Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 00:30 0 comments
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Sera speaks: "Watch Out! High Voltage! Letter from God."
Sera is a theatre production student from LaSalle, she never fails to inspire others around her with her deep convictions and carefree expression of God's love. She's blessed with a beautiful singing voice too!
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 02:29 0 comments
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Watch Out! High Voltage!!!!
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 21:36 0 comments
Friday, 13 June 2008
Duminda speaks: 'Kindness Pays'
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost
his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal
he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought
him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How
much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied
"Mother has taught us never to accept payment for a kindness." He
said..."Then I thank you from my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt; stronger
physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been
ready to give up and quit.
Years later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors
were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called
in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called
in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came
from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went
down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's
gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to
the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From
that day he gave special attention to the case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the
business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked
at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her
room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest
of her life to pay for it all. Finally, she looked, and something
caught ; her attention on the side as She read these words.....
"Paid in full with one glass of milk."
(Signed) Dr. Howard
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
GOD, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands."
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 23:54 0 comments
Friday, 6 June 2008
Overall History of the New Testament (According to the book of Acts)
Posted by CAMPUS MINISTRY at 17:50 0 comments