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Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Lingpin speaks: "Why did God create us?"

Lingpin works for the Army and is a full-time servant for God. He serves in many areas in church, including playing the drums for the church band and editing videos and taking photographs. He inspires many with his sacrificial heart.

hey guys,

i have ordered a stack of material and books online to fuel a growing thirst for all knowledge and wisdom regarding Christianity and God. i hope to share this with you in the coming days, but as a start, i hope we can start to post any questions we have online so that we can start our own training to be christian apologetics...

remember the article i sent you regarding "the marksof a spiritual leader"?.... well, a deep interest in the word and theology is important if we are to be able to answer the questions that the world has to throw at us. I hope it will stimulate our minds no end and strengthen our own convictions, especially if youp ut them to the test....:)

but let me start the ball rolling....hahaha...


"Why would a God who is omnipresent, omnipotent and all loving create people, when He knows such a very small percent will choose to follow Him and the rest will be sent to hell?''

i look forward to your responses....:)

love, ling pin.

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